Mastering The Music Business

Becoming a professional is the ultimate dream of every up and coming artiste. How everyone would like to associate themselves with the same! For obvious reasons it’s to be admired as with it comes a status – to stand out and deservedly predicate upon oneself endorsement deals among other rewards. If you ran into an average African musician now and asked them whether they’re professional, they would reply “yes” at once. Understandably. If you stuck at it however, to ask how they bear out the same, you’d unequivocally be appalled at how unapprised most of them are about what a professional musician should be like. Professionalism is the high standard that would be expected from a person who is well trained in their job. It comes with etiquette and ethics, humility of deportment as well as a few other things, including adaptability. Unfortunately since many of our musicians just stumbled across this well-paying job in music