VOA’s Shaka Ssali to Host Uganda’s Bobi Wine on “Straight Talk Africa” to Discuss the Role of Artists in African Politics

Celebrated Journalist, Dr. Shaka Ssali on Wednesday, February 14, 2018, will host Uganda’s Member of Parliament, Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi [Bobi Wine] on Voice of America’s Straight Talk Africa, a live radio/TV simulcast interactive program that examines topics of special interest to Africans.

It’s been about six months since Bobi Wine mania caused hysteria on the political landscape of this country… his arrival on the political scene had everyone weighing in, with a big section of the political elite even touting him as the new face of Uganda’s politics…

After his landslide victory as the elected Member of Parliament for Kyadondo East Constituency, more and more people are still coming to know Robert Kyagulanyi…

Kyagulanyi, a former musician joined politics to run what turned out to be an immensely demagogic campaign – and it worked for him. For he managed to resuscitate people’s hope that had hitherto been buried with Dr. Besigye’s chronic failure to seize power from those he describes as incompetent. Now Kyagulanyi came and placed himself as a succourer, so-to-speak – and he has happily made the most of this populism. He got elected to the National Assembly.

Through his concerted efforts to discredit the legitimacy of the reigning government, the 36-year-old political novice has managed to maintain the morale of his young electorate, even got to make some wonder if he could somehow change Politics in Uganda.

On Shaka’s show Bobi Wine is expected to seize the opportunity to make a case for his why he thinks he has good cause for his political activism.
Tonight, 21:30 [East African Time] / 18:30 [GMT], VOA hosts Bobi Wine and Ugandans will catch the show on NBS TV [DSTV Channel 286] and the Host will be leading discussion on "The Role of an Artist in African Politics"


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