Avicii's Girlfriend Tereza Kačerová Mourns His Death on Instagram

It was believed that Avicii was single at the time of his death; however, it has now emerged he was in a relationship with Czech model Tereza Kačerová, and was acting as a stepfather to her son Luka. 
Tereza had only shared one picture of Avicii on her social media prior to his death, but has now published a slideshow of pictures of the DJ to Instagram.

She also wrote a 17-page letter sharing her shock and heartbreak at Bergling’s passing, and revealed they were planning to have children together.

Tereza captioned her slideshow of pictures: ‘The brightest stars burn out the fastest’; the collage showed Avicii playing with Luka and in bed with Tereza. In her lengthy letter, Tereza wrote: ‘Dear Tim, I’ve spent the last days waiting to wake up, waiting for someone to tell me that this is some sick joke, some awful mistake. I think it’s finally settling on me now that I will truly never get to see you again. ‘The first couple of days I harassed your friends (are they SURE IT’S REAL?!, demanding proof, WHERE ARE YOU NOW?!) and googled articles to read that they had it all wrong. 

A post shared by Tereza Kačerová (@terezakacerova) on

Every time I saw “RIP” and “Avicii” together in one sentence or an end date to your life, I felt shock all over again. ‘When I saw they had changed your bio on Wikipedia from “is” to “was”, I sobbed. 

I’d stare at it for minutes at a time, trying to decipher why it says that you died on April 20, 2018. It didn’t make any sense. You are too young and wonderful and I love you too much for you to have that written by your name.’

A post shared by Tereza Kačerová (@terezakacerova) on

Kačerová then explained why she and Avicii kept their relationship a secret, writing: ‘ was always very set on keeping our relationship private because I wanted it to be OUR and ours only and wanted no part in that madness. But I thought, if I’m going to share this with the world, it will be when I’m pregnant with our child. Ohhh how that plan went awry.’ She also wrote about Avicii’s special relationship with her young son, writing: ‘I used to tell you that Luka will never remember a life without you. Now I hope that he will remember his life with you. I’ll be there to remind him. I’ll show him.’ She finished her letter by writing: ‘I read that before he died, Thomas Edison came out of a coma, looked upwards and said “it is very beautiful up there”. I take comfort in that. Rest in peace Tin. Try to come back to Earth soon so that you and Luka can play together again.’ Teresa’s full letter can be read in her Instagram posts.

Source: Metro


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