Kanye West Releases New Song Coveting His Sisters-In-Law: He Would “Smash” All Four Of Them

“You got sick thoughts? I got more of them” raps Kanye West on the newly released song “XTCY”.
Kanye West
“You got a sister-in-law you would smash? I got four of them.”

“XTCY” is the first new music since West’s marathon recording session in Wyoming, and also the first in which he contemplates sex with all the Kardashian sisters. It was released shortly after Kylie Jenner’s twenty-first birthday.

Check out the NSFW track below.


Once again Kanye is making news for things he says, rather than his silence. Last week, after Jimmy Kimmel asked West about President Donald Trump and his policies separating families at the border, it was West’s lack of an answer that created headlines. As Kanye pondered the question, Kimmel went to a commercial break.
West has since taken to Twitter to defend the moment.
For what it’s worth, Kimmel seems to agree.
The interview drew praise from both the President and from Pornhub, the latter getting a name drop when Kanye said that having daughters hadn’t changed his attitude towards women. “Nah, I still look at Pornhub” responded West.
That type of endorsement was good enough for a lifetime membership.
Source: Q104


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